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As a child I used to watch my grandfather as he walked up the hill without a hat or anything and worked on his hives with all the bees swarming around his head. He never used any type of protective clothing. I was amazed at his sheer bravery. He didn’t use a smoker. He just went up with a crowbar and pulled up the frames. The bees would sting him and he didn’t care about it much. He would have bee stings all over his arms. He didn’t mind it or he enjoyed it, I’m not sure which. I would stay about 20 feet away just out of range of the buzzing. The honey that he had was amazing! The taste was nothing like the honey today! It was pure and  untouched! Since then, I never again liked any honey that I tasted. I started not to like honey, as I did not manage to find the one that would taste exactly like my grandfather's. Until I met my business partner, Daniel, the cofounder of our little project "Nuts4Honey" and his family's long tradition in honey production! This was the honey that finally "grabbed" my attention and that is in every respect what honey USED TO BE IN THE PAST!! Unpasteurized, raw, cold pressed and without added sugars! The taste of the acacia and multifloral honey is divine. And again, I love them as they are, but I never forgot the years" in between". Even though I was aware that I do need some intake of honey due to its health benefits, it was hard for me to eat it on its own or with anything else. The honey offered nowdays in the shops has never grew on me, I simply didn't like the taste or smell as it as it has lot's of added "extras"....My happiness was endless when I came across this fantastic acacia and multifloral honey that sets eventually! These two honeys we now use to create our HONEY WITH A TWIST especially for all the NON honey lovers out there!! As I never forgot my ordeal with finding that "perfect" honey, we came up with the idea of mixing the honey with "stuff" that will make eating honey a very tasty, unusual and pleasant experience! Even though our two base honeys: acacia and multifloral are just perfect, subtle and gentle as they are on its own, we still think that adding bit of "fun" to those two is a great way  towards liking the honey for people who actually don't like it!


This honey is, of course, for honey lovers who will for sure adore divine taste of it,  but it is also for you guys who DO NOT like honey! And I know HOW IS IT TO NOT LIKE THE HONEY !!  For all of you "NON HONEY LOVERS" this is a perfect solution to experience the honey in a totally different  way and have some health benefits from it,  without tasting that exact "part" of honey that you do not like! WE PROMISE YOU WILL BE SURPRISED with the taste! So we bring you the  honey with added flavours, BUT WE USE ONLY REAL STUFF, NO ARTIFICIAL FLAVOURINGS, with only  the best ingredients: organic cocoa, organic cinnamon or mouth watering oranges!  YOU will love it as much as we do! We are also very proud to announce THAT up to now WE'VE MANAGED TO "CONVERT" many of non honey lovers with just one single taste of it!! Most of all, we love the cocoa one, which, by the way, was our first "mix",  as it is has been created in mind with little ones and their health!! It is perfect substitute for chocolate without any added sugars or preservatives, just pure raw honey with raw organic cocoa! Every child will love it!

Our name is Nuts4Honey. And when our name is on the jar, quality and fun is on the table.


There are a number of different types of honey beehives. Some are more popular than others, and in part, this may depend upon the country in which you live. In the wild, honey bees naturally seem to like to nest in the cavities of trees, caves or buildings. In doing so, they manage to reproduce and establish new colonies to continue generations of bees.The honey bees make their own combs with a structure and cell size deemed by the bees to be appropriate for larvae and storing the honey.They will then eat the honey they have stored in the honey combs during the winter months when forage is scarce and conditions mean they avoid venturing out of their nest.


Honey beehives, however, were invented by man, as a way of domesticating honey bees in order to exploit them for honey. In the past, skeps  – essentially straw baskets - were used, and as soon as honey had been produced by the poor bees, a number of the colonies were destroyed and the honey taken. Nowadays, skeps may be used more commonly for capturing swarms.


Of all the honeys I’ve tasted, I’d have to say that Acacia honey is right up there in terms of what really makes me happy! What is the best honey in the world? Many consider it to be just that!  This honey is very pale.  If it hasn’t been mixed with other floral sources, it will look like liquid glass, very exquisite indeed. It has a mild, sweet, floral flavor, and is, therefore, one of the most popular honey varieties. It is a good choice for mixing with beverages because it sweetens without changing the taste of the drink. It is also an excellent choice for cooking because of its mild flavor and because it mixes easily in liquids and batters. It has hints of vanilla flavor and no aftertaste. Acacia honey is slow to crystallize.  This means that it can remain in a liquid state for a long period of time due to its high concentration of fructose. And our one IS EXACTLY WHAT HONEY ONCE WAS!!



Bees can fly up to six miles, although one or two is more common. Within this radius, depending on the flower variety, they can gather nectar from many different types of flower (polyflora honeys) or so called Multifloral honey.

Besides classification by floral source, honeys can also be described according to geographical origin, from a particular country or region. This is because a honey of the same flower type will still vary from country to country because of difference in climate and soil; a polyfloral honey from one country may have a distinct combination of plant source to give a unique flavour.


  • Polyflora: Honey made from the nectar of many different flowers

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Nuts 4 Honey Ltd

Kent, United Kingdom


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09:00 to 18:00

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Nuts4honey Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales .

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